G. R. Kantharaj

Lecture Notes for Masters and PreUniversity Students

I am a teacher and teach Molecular Biology and Plant Cell Biology for Masters students.

G. R. Kantharaj

I teach, part time, at Bangalore University, Bangalore, India, and at a college, affiliated to Bangalore University. I have put in more than 40 years of teaching and with plenty of luck, am still going strong.

I had a whole lot of notes sitting in my cupboard made from my four decades of teaching. I have put these teaching notes on the web for the benefit of the students; they can download the notes and are free to use it as they wish. I concentrate more on Black Board teaching and have not opted for PowerPoint / Slide Projection mode of teaching. It is easy for a teacher to deliver the material by PowerPoint presentations and one can also use a lot of attractive and informative graphics, but students' attention is distracted from proper understanding because their attention is drawn to visuals and cannot concentrate on words that the teacher delivers in the class room and the whole understanding of the concept tends to get lost; this is what my students have told me. So my web notes provides the input for their studies, and it is better than dictating notes for students. 

Below are the sites that I have been maintaining for my students:

  • Molecular Biology for Masters

  • Plant Cell Biology for Masters

  • Plant Cell Biology for PreUniversity

  • The notes were collected from reading a whole lot of books, reviews and journals that also includes some of my own research work. I have tried my best to acknowledge the authors of all those books, who have illuminated and enriched my knowledge in Molecular Biology and Plant Cell Biology.

    Certain websites hosted by eminent professors have given me an insight about how one can present the matter in a lucid manner. I, with a deep sense of gratitude, acknowledge them while referring to their material and few of their great diagrams, which are of great use for my students. Many have given permission to use graphics and many are yet to say yes; however the use of the materials is for fair use and not for any propaganda or financial gains.

    Use the search engine below for all your queries (note: confined to this site):